group » Publications » papers
P.J. von Ranke, N.A. de Oliveira, D.C. Garcia, V.S.R. Sousa, V.A. Souza,
A. Magnus G. Carvalho, S. Gama and M.S. Reis.
Magnetocaloric effect due to the spin reorientation process in crystalline
electrical field: Application to DyAl2.
Physical Review B (2007) in press :::PDF::: not available
J.S. Amaral, M.S. Reis, V.S. Amaral, T.M. Mendonça, J.P. Araújo, P.B. Tavares,
J.M. Vieira.
Tuning of Magnetocaloric Effect in Ferromagnetic La-Sr manganites
through Er and Eu doping.
Materials Science Forum 514 (2006) 299.
3. M.S. Reis.
A Reinvenção da Geladeira
Scientific American Brasil 34 (2005) 44.
4. M.S. Reis, V.S. Amaral, J.P. Araújo, P.B. Tavares, A.M. Gomes, I.S. Oliveira.
Magnetic entropy change of Pr1-xCaxMnO3 manganites (0.2<x<0.95).
Physical Review B 71 (2005) 144413.
M.S. Reis, A.M. Gomes, J.P. Araújo, J.S. Amaral, P.B. Tavares, I.S. Oliveira,
V.S. Amaral.
Charge-Ordering Contribution to the Magnetic Entropy Change of
(Pr,Ca)MnO3 Manganites.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290 (2005) 697.
J.S. Amaral, M.S. Reis, V.S. Amaral, T.M. Mendonça, J.P. Araújo, M.A. Sá, P.B. Tavares, J.M. Vieira.
Magnetocaloric effect in Er and Eu-substituted ferromagnetic La-Sr manganites.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290 (2005) 686.
7. A.M. Gomes, F. Garcia, M.S. Reis, V.S. Amaral, A.P. Guimarães.
Magnetocaloric effect of the (Pr,Ca)MnO3 manganites at low temperatures.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290 (2005) 694.
8. M.S. Reis, A.M. Gomes, J.P. Araújo, P.B. Tavares, J.S. Amaral, I.S. Oliveira, V.A. Amaral.
Charge-Ordering and Magnetoelastic Coupling Effects on the Magnetocaloric Properties of Manganites.
Acta Physica Polonica A 105 (2004) 163.
9. A.M. Gomes, F. Garcia, A.P. Guimarães, M.S. Reis, V.S. Amaral.
Field tuned magnetocaloric effect in metamagnetic manganite system.
Applied Physics Letters 85 (2004) 4974.
10. M.S. Reis, A.M. Gomes, J.P. Araújo, P.B. Tavares, J.S. Amaral, I.S. Oliveira, V.S. Amaral.
Magnetocaloric Effect in Manganites: Feromagnetism and Charge-Ordering Effects.
Materials Science Forum 455 (2004) 148.
11. V.S. Amaral and J.S. Amaral.
Magnetoelastic coupling influence on the magnetocaloric effect in feromagnetic materials.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272 (2004) 2104.
12. A.M. Gomes, M.S. Reis, A.P. Guimarães, J.P. Araújo, P.B. Tavares and V.S. Amaral.
Magnetocaloric effect of the Pr0.43Gd0.25Ca0.32MnO3.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272 (2004) 2385.
13. M.S. Reis, A.M. Gomes, J.P. Araújo, P.B. Tavares, J.S. Amaral, I.S. Oliveira and V.S. Amaral.
Positive and colossal magnetocaloric effect due to charge ordering in CMR manganites,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272 (2004) 2393.
14. M.S. Reis, J.C.C. Freitas, M.T.D. Orlando, A.M. Gomes, A.L. Lima, I.S. Oliveira, A.P. Gimarães, A.Y. Takeuchi.
Electric and magnetic properties of Cu-doped La-Sr manganites,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 242 (2002) 668.
15. A.M. Gomes, M.S. Reis, I.S. Oliveira, A.P. Guimarães, A.Y. Takeuchi
Magnetocaloric effect in (Er,Tb)Co2.
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 242 (2002) 870.