group » infrastructure
Below we describe some of our facilities, those directly related to the Magnetocaloric Project.
1. Sample preparation
1.a. Preparation of bulk compounds and composites (ceramic materials).
1.b. Heat treatment under controlled atmospheres.
1.c. Thin films preparation through MOCVD (Metallorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition) and Sputtering techniques.
2. Structural and crystallographic characterization
2.a. XRD: powder method (77-1200K) and texture analysis.
2.b. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM with EDS) and transmission with high resolution (EELS and temperature change from 4 K up to 300 K).
3. Physical measurements
3.1. Cryogen Free Cryostat (CFC), from 2 K up to 700 K and from -10 Tesla up to +10 Tesla. Available techniques: magnetization (VSM), AC susceptibility and resistivity. Near feature: specific heat.
Due to a strong collaboration, our group has access to the following equipments (University of Oporto):
a. Arc-melting furnace for preparation of intermetallic compounds and Laser Ablation for preparation of thin films.
b. SQUID magnetometer (2 K up to 400 K and – 5 Tesla up to 5 Tesla).
c. High temperature VSM (above room temperature), from 300 K up to 1000 K and from -1 Tesla up to 1 Tesla.